A Course in Environmental Economics
Theory, Policy, and Practice
Part I. Economics and the Environment:
1. Environmental economics and the theory of externalities
2. Environmental problems and policy issues
3. Introduction to the theory of environmental policy
Part II. The Design of Environmental Policy
4. Imperfect information
5. Competitive output markets
6. Non-competitive output markets
7. Environmental policy with pre-existing distortions
8. Institutional topics in cap and trade programs
9. Ambient pollution control
10. Liability
11. Innovation and adoption of new technology
12. International environmental problems
13. Accumulating pollutants
Part III. Valuing the Environment
14. Theory of applied welfare analysis
15. Revealed preference models
16. Discrete choice models
17. Recreation
18. Property value models
19. Stated preference methods
20. Health valuation
Part IV. The Practice of Environmental Economics
21. Cost-benefit analysis: modeling
22. Cost-benefit analysis: empirical
23. Final thoughts